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Although a majority of our projects are located within the extended Sacramento metropolitan region, we have extensive experience throughout California, Nevada, Oregon, Washington, and other selected areas around the country. So regardless of your location, we are available to assist you with your traffic/transportation engineering and transportation planning needs.

Owner Larry Wymer is a licensed traffic engineer with over twenty-six years of diverse experience covering a full range of traffic and transportation issues, including completion of over 100 traffic impact studies ranging from small single-use developments to large multi-use developments having regional impact. His experience includes working with private clients, as well as public sector clients throughout California (including Caltrans, numerous Cities and Counties throughout California, and California tribal governments), as well as Nevada, Oregon, Washington, Florida, and other areas around the country. This experience with both the private and public sectors, and the establishment of successful, positive, working relationships with both private entities and public agency officials, helps to assure that fair and equitable traffic mitigation measures will be identified and/or negotiated when project induced traffic impacts are identified within our client’s traffic impact studies. Mr. Wymer is known for his skillful report writing and strict attention to detail which assures that all traffic studies conform to CEQA, Caltrans, and local agency standards, and include well researched, thorough, and detailed analysis which meet the expectation of reviewing agencies.

In addition to his involvement in typical transportation engineering projects, Mr. Wymer brings three years of distinctive experience working with attorneys and expert witnesses to analyze impacts, design conceptual mitigated alternative site designs, and formulate opinions for use in depositions and expert witness testimony for over 100 properties undergoing eminent domain proceedings; as well as investigating, analyzing, reconstructing, and formulating opinions for over 100 accidents.

© 2015 Larry Wymer & Associates Traffic Engineering